Dry Brushing – Get Your Glow On!

Dry skin brushing is a simple, time-honored therapy with big benefits. Because it takes just a few minutes a day, dry brushing is an easy, effective and oh-so-enjoyable way to get healthy, vibrant, glowing skin. And if that’s not enough to love, dry brushing also supports the body’s ability to release excess weight.

The skin is the body’s largest organ. In fact, it’s often considered the third kidney because it plays a vital role in ridding the body of waste and toxins. We actually eliminate more than one pound of waste through our skin every day.

Every cell in the body depends on the lymphatic system for nourishment and waste removal. This system works like a sewer system with more than 600 sites or “nodes” that collect and remove waste. In order to work efficiently, the lymphatic system requires exercise and adequate water intake. Dry brushing is an excellent way to promote the flow of lymphatic fluid and cleanse the body of wastes and toxins.

Dry brushing offers a host of benefits:
How to dry brush:

In addition to dry brushing, I highly recommend using SKIN Healing Lotion to help heal dry, cracked, scaly or itchy skin. It is especially helpful for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis! You can learn more about SKIN Healing Lotion here. Questions? Contact me today!

Property of: Jane Phillips - BCFHWC

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